Here you find a selection of received eQSL cards for our club-calls, mostly from contest contacts.
The Reading & District Amateur Radio Club, RADARC, holds a number of calls:
G3ULT is the oldest RADARC club call.
M(X)0AAA was the very first UK "M" prefix callsign issued, in March 1994.
M(X)0EEE was used in the NFD between 2000 and 2008. The 'triple-E' was causing confusion during CW contests and instead G3ULT was used in the last few years.
G3AKF was the call of the late Bryan Taylor, a long term member of RADARC, the call is now assigned to RADARC as one of a number of Club Calls.
M4T was previously held by RADARC, but has since lapsed. QSL cards from RADARC historic ops are shown here.
QSLs - David M0DHO is the QSL Manager for M0AAA and MX0AAA. David keeps many of the old contest and activity logs of the various RADARC callsigns.
Tom G0VQR was the QSL manager for M4T, while Min Standen (G0JMS) is the license holder of M(X)0EEE.
If you are interested in operating any of the current RADARC club-calls, please contact the comittee (see the RADARC website).
More info is on M0AAA, and the RADARC website
In addition the club has been running several Special Event Stations over the years.
GB4MR (1987,1990,2012,2013,2015,2016) and GB6MMR(1999,2010) were used for the McMichael Ralleys,
GB2MBA (2010,2011,2012,2013) was one of the most recent and is the Museums on the air event, we put on stations at Berkshire Museum of Aviation in Woodley.
GB2RD (2006,2009,2019) is for various anniversary years for RADARC.
GB0DOG (1986,1987,1988,1991,1993), GB2DOG (1984,1987,1992) and GB75DOG (1988), is for Guide Dogs for the Blind charity events, held in Wokingham.
GB4HRR (1996, 1989) is for Hospital Radio Reading, Charity event.
GB0RAR (1985) is for Reading Amateur Radio, not sure of the event(s) for this. Possibly Knowl Hill Steam Rally.
GB5RS (1985,1989) is Reading Scouts and was put on by a the Group that run the 3 Towers walk and so is not RADARC, but RADARC members were and still are heavily involved.
GB2CP (2017), JOTA station organized by Tom M0LTE.
GB0RDG and GB0RD were active in 2024 to commemorate RADARC 90th anniversity.
(The years indicated are based on dates on QSL cards received)
Almost all objects you see on the screen are clickable, and you can sort the cards by date, call and mode,
or select cards from /P operations only.
The alphabetical list at the top allows you to select just those cards that start with a particular letter or number (prefix).
You can also limit the time range by specifying the start- and end-year/month, and/or select a certain band and/or mode and/or (part of) a grid locator.
Most cards contain the gridlocator info, and you can select for example all cards from the IO locator, or IO91 by entering the first few characters of a locator.
The list of cards can be big, you may jump to any point in the list by specifying the first few characters (prefix) or an index number
(see the input box at the bottom).
The 'ALL' button will de-select the single character you might have clicked on (in the top bar), and show all cards within
the selected time-range.
Hovering over a thumbnail-image will open the card, clicking on a thumbnail will open the page for that call.
The Statistics button at the bottom shows some stats on the selected cards, sorted by DXCC.
Clicking on a country name shows the list of calls for this dxcc, clicking on the call opens the QSL-card.
The LIST button shows the selected QSL cards in tabular form; click on a column header to sort up or down on that column; click on a call to display the card.
You will only see the cards for one specific club-call at a time (it defaults to CLUB). To see cards for other calls, just
click on a call at the top bar. To set all options back to default, and select all cards, click the 'Reset' button.
The NEXT and PREV buttons will show the next (or previous) page of cards.
Note that this is not a logbook and the eQSL's are not neccesarily verified and may there for contain errors in date, mode or may not even be in our logs.
The webpage will automatically adjust for your screen size, but only if you start here at '/RADARC'
If you find any errors or have suggestions to impove this site, please email me, ping me on Discord, or catch me on the air.
If you like this software and want to use it for your own card display - give me a call/email as some tweaking would be required.
It includes a utility to easily download the cards from
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